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Build better bones for your future

Forgive the pun, but the skeletal system really is the proverbial “backbone” to a healthy functioning body. It is often overlooked in its importance, and neglected from preventative measures to keep it safe. You may hear people worrying about cholesterol or blood pressure, but when was the last time you heard someone fretting about safeguarding […]

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No added sugar required…..diabetic and already sweet enough.

Diabetes is now a global crisis, with approximately 422 million people diagnosed worldwide, and that figure is expected to escalate to over 642 million by 2040. The figure has been steadily increasing over the past few decades, and 1.6 million deaths per year are attributed directly to diabetes.               […]

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Cholesterol – the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Everyone’s heard about cholesterol, and no doubt has heard about the dangers of high cholesterol, but what exactly is it? What does it do?    Although it gets a bad rap from the press, did you know that cholesterol is vital to the body, and that there are both good and bad types? Even the […]


Ease back into school or uni with therapeutic cold-pressed oils

As summer holidays start to draw to a close, it’s time to put our minds to the kids going back to school. A new term, perhaps a new school or going away to university. For some children the transition will be easy, for others it may bring stress, causing an upset stomach or disturbed sleep, […]

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I must improve my bust!

Ladies, not satisfied with your breasts? Then you are not alone. A study published in Body Image analysed the data of a Breast Size Satisfaction Survey which was collected from 18,541 women in 40 countries. 71% of women were dissatisfied with the size of their breasts, with an incredible 48% wanting larger breasts and 23% […]

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Natural remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks, or striae gravidarum to use the correct term, are a common problem for both men and women, affecting up to 70% of women and 40% of men. They generally appear on the stomach, thighs, hips, lower back, breasts, buttocks and upper arms. The general reason is due to physical changes to the body, […]


Bid a fond farewell to the appearance of cellulite!

If you are suffering from cellulite, don’t despair, you are not alone! It is estimated that between 80 – 90% of women will experience some kind of cellulite in their lifetime. Cellulite most commonly affects the thighs and buttocks, although it can also affect other areas, for instance the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms. […]

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Luscious Lashes

The eyes are often described as the window or mirror to the soul, and therefore it’s only right that we wish to draw attention to them, so what better way to do this than with our lashes, which were aptly described by William Shakespeare as ‘the fringed curtains’ in The Tempest.  Whilst long eyelashes may […]

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Eczema – Oil Treatment

The name of this disease comes from the Greek word “eczeo”, which means “to boil,” and this explains the characteristic property of eczematous vesicles (blisters) to burst rapidly, like bubbles of boiling water. Eczema is a chronic, recurrent allergic skin disease. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It protects the body […]


Natural post-epilation care products

A bit of history. For the first time, they wanted to have smooth skin long before our era. Both Cleopatra and Nefertiti sought to become even more attractive to their beloved and dreamed of getting rid of unwanted hair on the body. Moreover, the absence of hairs on the body was considered a symbol of […]

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